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Unlocking the Seven Rights of Consciousness: A Journey through the Cosmos

By: Sanjeev Verma In the vast expanse of the universe, each of us holds a unique place, a space where our consciousness interacts with the divine. Our journey through life is shaped by the energy of the cosmos, and by understanding the “Seven Rights of Consciousness,” we can tap into our highest potential. These rights—survival, creativity, abundance, love, health, happiness, and spirituality—are intimately connected to the planets of our solar system. Each planet, or graha, governs a specific aspect of our existence, and by aligning ourselves with their energies, we can transform our lives. chakra, energy centers, body The Chakra-Planet Connection Each of these chakras and their corresponding planets are interlinked, creating a complex web of energy that influences our lives. By understanding and nurturing these connections, we can achieve a harmonious balance between our material and spiritual paths. For instance, if you’re struggling with survival, focus on strengthening your root chakra with the energy of Mars. If creativity is your concern, tune into Venus’s energy at the sacral chakra. By identifying the areas of your life below that need attention, you can work on balancing the corresponding chakras, thus enhancing the energy of the planet associated with that aspect of your consciousness and transform the energy for the betterment of that aspect of your life.
  1. The Right to Survive (Mars)
Our journey begins with the fundamental right to survive, governed by Mars, or Mangal. This fiery planet represents our instinct to protect ourselves and navigate life’s challenges. The energy of Mars is rooted in the Mooladhara chakra, the root chakra located at the base of the spine. This chakra’s energy color is red, symbolizing the power and strength required for survival. To enhance this right, visualize the color red during meditation and repeat the sound “Lam.” Wearing red coral, the stone associated with Mars, can further strengthen your connection to this energy, ensuring a strong foundation for your life’s journey.
  1. The Right to Create (Venus)
Creativity and sensuality are governed by Venus, or Shukra, the planet of love and beauty. Venus’s energy resides in the Swadhisthana chakra, the sacral chakra located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with the color orange, representing the smoldering fire of creativity within us. To enhance your creative energy, meditate on the sound “Vam” while visualizing a warm orange glow around your sacral chakra. Carnelian, the stone linked to Venus, can be worn to amplify this energy, helping you to express your creative potential and embrace the pleasures of life.
  1. The Right to Abundance (Sun)
The Sun, or Surya, is the center of our solar system and represents the right to abundance. In Vedic astrology, the Sun is considered a planet, and it governs the Manipura chakra, located at the solar plexus, just above the navel. The energy color of this chakra is yellow, symbolizing the warmth and nurturing energy of the Sun, which sustains life. To connect with the Sun’s energy, meditate on the sound “Ram” while visualizing a bright yellow light at your solar plexus. Wearing a ruby, the stone associated with the Sun, can help you attract abundance, leadership qualities, and the courage to achieve your goals.
  1. The Right to Love and Be Loved (Mercury)
Mercury, or Budh, governs our right to love and be loved. It is closely linked to the Anahata chakra, the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. The energy color of this chakra is green, representing growth, harmony, and balance. The sound “Yam” resonates with this chakra. By meditating on this sound and visualizing a green light around your heart, you can enhance your emotional intelligence, allowing you to love deeply and receive love in return. Wearing emerald, the stone of Mercury, can also help you connect with this energy, fostering healthy relationships and emotional well-being.
  1. The Right to Health (Saturn)
Saturn, or Shani, is the planet of karma, and it governs our right to health. Its energy is linked to the Vishuddha chakra, the throat chakra, located at the base of the throat. The energy color of this chakra is blue, symbolizing communication, purification, and the flow of life energy. To strengthen this chakra, meditate on the sound “Ham” while visualizing a blue light at your throat. Wearing blue sapphire, or Neelam, the stone associated with Saturn, can help you maintain good health by balancing your karmic energies and promoting physical and mental well-being.
  1. The Right to Happiness (Moon)
The Moon, or Chandra, governs our right to happiness and peace. Its energy resides in the Bindu chakra, located at the back of your head. The energy color associated with the Moon is white, symbolizing mind, peace, happiness, tranquility and manifesting. To enhance your connection with this chakra, meditate on the sound “Om” while visualizing a white light at the back of your head. Wearing moonstone and pearl associated with the Moon, can help you achieve a state of emotional balance and tranquility, leading to a happier and more peaceful life.
  1. The Right to Spirituality (Jupiter)
Jupiter, or Guru, is the planet of wisdom and spirituality. It governs the Ajna chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows. The energy color associated with the Jupiter is yellow and with third eye are indigo, symbolizing intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. This chakra’s energy color is indigo. It can transform into yellow bright light through deep meditation, symbolizing the ultimate connection with the divine. To enhance your spiritual energy, meditate on the sound “Om Guru Om” while visualizing a white light at your crown chakra. Wearing yellow sapphire, the stone associated with Jupiter, can help you deepen your spiritual practices and connect with higher wisdom. Phases Of The Moon Conclusion The Seven Rights of Consciousness are not just spiritual concepts; they are the keys to unlocking your highest potential. By understanding the connection between the planets, chakras, and these rights, you can transform your life in profound ways. Whether you seek survival, creativity, abundance, love, health, happiness, or spirituality, the answers lie within you and the cosmic energies that surround us. Embrace these energies, meditate on your chakras, In doing so, you’ll find the balance and fulfillment you seek on your journey through life.  
Sanjeev Verma 519-721-1234