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‘Howdy Houston!’ says India’s PM as he arrives to packed itinerary

Houston:  ‘Howdy Houston!’ was the greeting from Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he landed at Houston airport on Saturday to a packed programme during his US visit.

The Prime Minister was received by Director, Trade and International Affairs, Christopher Olson, US Ambassador to India Kenneth Juster, Indian envoy to the US Harsh Vardhan Shringla, and other officials on his arrival at the airport to a red carpet welcome.

“Hello Houston! PM @narendramodi landed in Houston a short while ago. A packed programme awaits the Prime Minister during this USA visit, including events in New York in the coming days,” the PMO handle tweeted on landing.

“Howdy Houston! It’s a bright afternoon here in Houston. Looking forward to a wide range of programmes in this dynamic and energetic city today and tomorrow,” the PM tweeted.

“Over the next 24 hours, PM will meet with the industry captains in energy sector & address the Indian American community and their elected representatives at #HowdyModi event, together with @realDonaldTrump,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar tweeted.

Members of the Indian diaspora waved Indian flags to greet the PM on his arrival.

Tulsi Gabbard, a House Representative member from Hawaii, tweeted her welcome.

“Aloha and Namaste, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to India Prime Minister Modi on his latest visit to the United States. Glad to see so many Indian Americans from all across our country, as well as many of my colleagues in Congress coming together there #tulsi2020 #modi,” she posted.

According to the itinerary for Saturday, Prime Minister Modi will head straight for a roundtable meeting with oil sector CEOs, and later for a brief interaction with the Indian diaspora and photo op with them.

On Sunday, he will address the mega ‘Howdy Modi’ event at the NRG stadium before a 50,000 crowd of Indian diaspora. The event will also be attended by US President Donald Trump.